Flow Induced Noise

The focus of the Flow-Induced Noise Technical Group is the basic understanding and control of acoustic noise and structural vibration generated by fluid flow. The engineering challenges cover a very wide range of fluid/acoustic phenomena involving atmospheric acoustic media and the noise created by compressible fluid flow, as well as liquid acoustic media and the associated noise and vibration generated by essentially incompressible flows. Progress in developing models and supporting experimental data bases permits the description of possible noise control methods that can be evaluated analytically or numerically, and then with confidence, prototype apparati may be evaluated in the laboratory.

Research Topics

  • Wind/marine turbine noise
  • Noise radiation from non-circular and coaxial supersonic jets
  • Noise generated by intermittent, transitioning boundary layer flows on surfaces
  • Axial flow fan noise radiation and its control
  • Centrifugal pump and blower noise radiation and its control
  • Flow noise and structural response induced by turbulent flow
  • Bluff body flow noise
  • Computational aeroacoustics

Contact Information


Michael Krane



The Center for Acoustics and Vibration performs basic and applied research in vibration and acoustics, supports graduate education, and transfers technology to U.S. industry and government. The center includes faculty, graduate students, and staff in laboratories throughout the College of Engineering and at the Applied Research Lab. These laboratories perform both disciplinary and cross-disciplinary research in areas related to acoustics and vibration.

Center for Acoustics and Vibrations

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802